Thursday, May 15, 2014

Latest Unemployment Numbers and Analysis

The latest unemployment numbers are out - this data comes straight from the Department of Labor.

My quick analysis:

Overall trends are that unemployment is declining, except for female veterans.  Female veterans' rate has risen steadily since December 2013.  


On a rolling twelve month average (May 2013 - April 2014), compared to a person who never served in the military:
  • a veteran is 9% more likely to have a job
  • a Desert Storm veteran is 36% more likely to have a job
  • a Post 9/11 veteran is 34% more likely to be unemployed
For just the month of April, compared to a person who never served:
  • a veteran is 2% more likely to have a job
  • a Desert Storm veteran is 21% more likely to have a job
  • a Post 9/11 veteran is 16% more likely to be unemployed

So as the overall economy rates drop, so do the veteran rates (unless you're female), but the gap between new veteran and non-veteran remains concerning.  This makes it all the more critical that those of us (pre 9/11) veterans engage with these young men and women coming home to our communities.  We have jobs, we have networks.  Put those networks to work, and let's get our newest veterans to work - especially the women.

To quote GEN Wayne A Downing (RIP):
"There's a two word solution for PTSD.  You're hired."

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