Thursday, March 17, 2011

Warrior and Survivor Care Bulletin - Forwarded from the JCS Office

I'm still catching up from being out of my office for two weeks... here are some good articles on warrior/veteran issues.  km


·         Female GIs Struggle With Higher Rate Of Divorce: (MSNBC/AP) --- For women in the military, there's a cold, hard reality: Their marriages are more than twice as likely to end in divorce as those of their male comrades - and up to three times as likely for enlisted women. And military women get divorced at higher rates than their peers outside the military, while military men divorce at lower rates than their civilian peers.

·         Soldier Shares Traumatic Brain Injury Experiences: (DOD NEWS) --- I’d like to introduce guest blogger Army Staff Sgt. Victor Medina, who sustained a moderate traumatic brain injury during his third deployment in Iraq in 2009. Several months later, Medina started a blog titled “TBI Warrior” to help educate other survivors and caregivers affected by a brain injury through his own experiences — before and after TBI.

·         Afghanistan: The mental scars cut just as deep: (EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS, SCOTLAND) --- Known as Trauma Risk Management - or T RiM in Army jargon - it's the military's response to tragic cases of post-traumatic stress disorder suffered in recent conflicts such as the war in Iraq. And it means that now there is recognition that stress reaction does not mean weakness, instead it's a normal response to witnessing upsetting and traumatic episodes.


·         Soldiers Prescribed Yoga to Recover from War Wounds: (WPLN-NPR, NASHVILLE) ---  These dozen men and women are part of Fort Campbell’s Warrior Transition Unit. And for them, yoga has replaced the yelling of Army PT.  “In Afghanistan about a year and a half ago, I fell with an artillery round and messed my back up,” says Sgt. Shannon McClellan.


·         UA to Host 3rd Disabled Vets Camp: (UNIV OF ARIZ NEWS) --- For a third year, the University of Arizona is hosting a sports and wellness camp for newly disabled veterans from around the country. Each year, the camp introduces 20 of these veterans to opportunities to pursue both higher education and wheelchair sports.


·         Quantico wounded warrior gets back in the fight, encourages others to do same: (INSIDE NOVA) --- For Tack the emotions of being around other wounded Marines at the Marine Corps Trials is what really makes these games worth going to.  “It’s nice to come back and see the guys you competed against and made friends with last year,” Tack said. “Also, it’s great to see new guys who are experiencing this for the first time and seeing how they like it. Plus, coming back a second year, you kind of know the ropes and are more comfortable at the competitions.


·         Website links unemployed vets, spouses to jobs: (DAILY NEWS, BRYAN, GA) --- Operated by the Army Reserve, the military-friendly Employee Partnership of the Armed Forces at lends assistance not only to those looking for a job, but also to public and private employers who are ready to hire former service members, Deputy Chief of the Army Reserve Maj. Gen. Keith L. Thurgood said. “It’s all about connecting supply and demand,” he said.


·         Transition to civilian life challenging for homeless female veterans: (SACRAMENTO BEE) ---  Reeder, 46, spent nearly 20 years in and out of homelessness after she was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army in 1987. The return to civilian life was difficult for Reeder, who said she struggled with the psychological effects of a rape while she was in the military. She became an alcoholic and drug addict, had trouble holding down a job and distanced herself from family.

·         Ritz to become home for veterans: (STAR-BANNER, OCALA, FL) --- The Ritz is expected to house 50 veterans who will be referred to the 2-year transitional housing program by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The facility also will help veterans to live independently.


·         3 New Walter Reed Developments, One Promising for Health Care: (HUFINGTON POST) --- The amazing dedication and commitment of all the staff reaffirms my belief in military health care.  Even as this medical center is being resurrected at a new facility, the current staff concentrate on patient care. Apprehensions and uncertainty exist; some issues are being addressed and others ignored as the closure deadline approaches. Talking with staff and other patients, three issues caught my attention.

RLTW  Karl

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