Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2014 A Banner Year for Post 9/11 Veterans?

According to the Air Force Times, 2014 was a "historic" year for post 9/11 veteran employment.  The headline boldly proclaims

"2014: A banner year for post-9/11 vet employment"

The overall employment picture is indeed improving, but I have an issue with the rosy picture presented.

I've been tracking and charting veteran unemployment since January 2011.  It clearly and consistently trends along with the US national unemployment rate, except for these pesky facts:

  • A post 9/11 veteran is about 35% more likely to be unemployed that a non-veteran.
  • A post 9/11 veteran is 58% more likely to be unemployed than a Desert Storm era veteran.

Painting a rosy picture causes the general public (which is already disengaged) to think that veteran unemployment is not an issue -- when it really is.

A four year look at the unemployment trendlines, comparing non-veterans with all veterans, post 9/11 veterans, and Desert Storm era veterans.

A look at the unemployment numbers for the past twelve months.

So what to do about it?

GallantFew believes the answer lies in communities taking responsibility for helping veterans transition home.  

Does your community have a veteran section on its website?  Does it have a welcome home picnic/social/potluck quarterly?  Is there an effort to connect new veterans with veterans in the community who have already successfully transitioned?  How about a written plan?

Learn more:

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