Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day 2013

On this Veterans Day it is my great honor and privilege to salute and say thank you to each of you who have worn the uniform and stood between us and those who would threaten our freedoms.

To those who served and fought in WWII and Korea - you set the standard and the example for us to follow.  Too many of you are crossing over to the patrol base on the other side every day.  Thank you for the sacrifices you made, years away from family, too many comrades lost.  We will always remember and honor you.

For those of you who served in Vietnam or during the Vietnam War, welcome home and thank you.  If we said thanks every day for the rest of our lives we would still not have said it enough to make up for the poor welcome you received when you came home.  Thank you.

Those of you who served during the Cold War, thank you for standing tall and for your part in rebuilding the military after Vietnam.  It was a challenge for our country to move from the draft to an all-volunteer force.  For those who volunteered, or who stayed on after being drafted, the professionalism and capabilities of our modern forces are your legacy.  Thank you.

Fewer than 1% of the US population has served in the military since 9/11.  Such a tiny fraction to bear such a tremendous burden - but bear it you did, and many of you volunteered to serve after 9/11, knowing we are a nation at war.  For your bravery, your courage, and your sacrifice, we say thank you from the very bottom of our hearts.

To all veterans - from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and the Coast Guard - again, thank you.  I wish for each of you a very happy Veterans Day.  Remember that regardless of where you are in your transition - whether it begins next year or has been ongoing the past twenty - GallantFew stands ready to help you.

V/R  Karl

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Ranger Buddy! Thanks for continuing to lead the way with Gallant Few.
